For the past few days, rumors were spreading about the relationship between Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty and cricketer KL Rahul. But cricketer Rahul made it publicly official by sharing the post on Athiya's birthday. Now the reactions of the people of the film and cricket industry are coming on this post. Punjab Kings cricketer Mandeep Singh wrote Athiya as sister-in-law in his comment.
official relationship
The couple is always seen making loving comments on each other's photos. But till now both of them had not accepted their relationship publicly. For Athiya, KL Rahul shared a post that made the couple's relationship official. Rahul wrote in the caption of his post, a very happy birthday my Aathiya.
comments coming in the post
Anushka Sharma, Saiyami Kher, Sania Mirza, Hardik Pandya, Sikander Kher posted many heart emojis in the comments on Rahul's post. Cricketer Rohit Sharma's wife wrote in the comment, Ah. I wish there was a banana chip emoji. Meanwhile, Kings XI cricketer Mandeep Singh said, "Happy birthday sister-in-law."
Athiya went with England tour
According to media reports, when KL Rahul left for his match tour in England, Athiya took Shetty along with her. Before going to England, during a conversation with the Board of Control for Cricket in India, Rahul had told Athiya as his girlfriend. In the tour, every player had to tell the name of the partner traveling with him. Rahul had named Athiya Shetty as a partner.
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